Creative Filtration Products, High Value Solutions


The MultiTreat™ family of products are designed to combine multiple treatment steps into a single product. The most popular variants perform de-emulsification by flocculation and/or absorption then create an excellent filtering result. MultiTreat™ is also offered in grades that remove dirt, debris, and oil from commercial cleaner baths without affecting the soap activity allowing the soap to be recycled. Other grades will completely defeat the soap and contaminates yielding clear water. One MultiTreat™ grade removes the residual resin from impregnation rinse water. Another MultiTreat™ grade treats vibratory waste water by breaking the soapy emulsion, removing the abrasive debris, and removing the small amount of heavy metals that go into solution in the acid step. The MultiTreat™ product line is exceptionally valuable in low volume difficult waste streams.